Vairuit Mao
Huntress, Follower of Azeyma, Thavnairian Vagabond
© Eden. All Rights Reseved. Disclaimer: All images are modified screenshots and not an accurate representation of Final Fantasy XIV in any way.

"I am nothing but a lone wolf; misunderstood and labeled to be dangerous."
Full Name : Vairuit Mao
Nicknames / Aliases : Mao | The Blood Dragoon | The Crimson Knife
Nameday : 11th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon // December 11th
Age : 28Race : Miqo'te // Seeker of the Sun
Height : 5'4"
Eyes : Right - Gold; Left - Cerulean
Hair : Black with crimson highlightsNotable Features : Clan Markings | Scar across the bridge of her nose | House Fortemp crest earrings
Voice : Yor Forger from Spy x Family | sample
Homeland : Thavnair [Radz-at-Han]
Allied Nation City-State : Gridania
Languages : Common, Huntspeak, ThavnairianGrand Company : The Maelstrom
Free Company : One Brain Cell
Occupations : Elite Hunter, Adventurer, Bodyguard, Professional Fan Dancer // Former Assassin
Official Employer : Centurio Clan & The Dawn HuntMain DPS Class(es) : Reaper, Dragoon
Main Tank Class : Gunbreaker
Main Healer Class : Astrologian
Secondary Classes : Viper, MonkDoH // DoL : Blacksmith (Weapons Smith)
Relationship Status : Engaged to Syrus Skuldabréf
Orientation : Pansexual Demiromantic

"I fight for those we have lost. I fight for those we can yet save."
Positive | Neutral | Negative |
Passionate | Diplomatic | Stubborn |
Loyal | Wayfarer | Sassy |
Objective | Fashionable | Workaholic |
Detailed | Insecure | Blunt |
Familial | Impersonal | Shrewd |
Adaptive | Sociable | Competitive |
Reliable | Sexual | Petty |
Confident | Artistic | |
Outspoken | Spiritual | Impulsive |
fine details
Vivacious and tenacious, Vairuit has always been a young Miqo'te who holds strong to her convictions. She is all about fun, living life in the moment, and making sure that every choice made is one that is made without regrets. She doesn't take her life for granted and tries to impart the same idealistic tendencies to those around her. However, because she grew up within a family of merchants and informants, she knows that there are certain people she can and cannot trust. But she tries to give people the benefit of the doubt when she can.Vairuit is a genuine person. She doesn't see social classes and truly wants to help any and all who come her way. Her family did not raise her in typical Miqo'te society and, as such, she does not follow the culture or customs of other Miqo'te Clans throughout Eorzea. Because of her outgoing nature and open acceptance to any and all things, it isn't a surprise that she can make fast friends and lasting bonds that span the test of time. With that being said, do not think that Vairuit is a fool. She is practically an ace at reading people and can understand most simple nuances for genuineness or a beguilement.But that doesn't mean she comes up to people guarded. In fact, Vairuit showcases herself, no holds barred, so that people don't misunderstand her intentions from the start. People have done that so often with her that she was once starting to think it was an actual trend. Which, trends? She doesn’t really keep up with those if she can help it. Vairuit is a huge advocate in being an individual and not conforming to societal norms. ANY societal norms.Anyone who tramples on the hearts of those she loves dear is her enemy and she will not hesitate to make it known or give that person grief about it. It's bad enough that many often snub their noses at her for her impertinent and outspoken demeanor. But she will not tolerate anyone bad mouthing her friends and Vairuit will go to the ends of the earth to make their lives a living hell.Throughout her lifetime, Vairuit learned the value of hard work. Wherever she went, whatever she did, it was important that she learned to do a task and to do it well, and most of the time she didn't really have much time to learn the skill. Therefore, she learned how to keep at a task for hours on end, working on developing her skills at it. This also led to her learning to properly manage her time. On the flip side, she is a bit of a miser and will hoard her coin unnecessarily at times.She learned how to care for herself and become truly independent. Now she despises asking for help and will not bring herself to call for assistance unless she absolutely needs it. Because of this, the presence of other people isn't one vital to her well-being, but she does enjoy having others around. Most of the time, she doesn't talk too much, but she is often easy to get along with. Her most common emotion is happiness and she has never been seen crying. However, she can be prone to annoyance and anger, especially when someone's behavior sits wrong with her.When Vairuit talks, she is very often quite honest and very blunt, and most of the time, she has the tendency of pointing out the obvious in a wry, deadpan way that can make some laugh and others roll their eyes at the obviousness of her statements. Her mannerisms are plain and simple, for she doesn't really see the point of wasting breath or in dancing around a question that could be asked easily.Although she can be very respectful and polite when she wants to be, she mostly treats people as her equals. There are some people who she greatly admires, but those people often have to prove that they are worthy of respect, whether through actions, words, or deeds. The type of people who will claim to be important but are, in fact, only being self-righteous, are merely mocked and ignored by her. But she reveres people who have shown they should be respected.Even though Vairuit has a tendency to be too focused on her job, she knows how to relax every once in a while. She's experienced the horrible drawbacks of stress, and she knows what all work and no play can do to a person. She may pretend to be annoyed for a moment or two, but in reality she loves her days off, and she's very fond of taking it easy and letting others do the work once in a while. If she has nothing productive to do for a few days, though, she can become cagey and more prone to anger than usual.When in relationships, Vairuit tends to be a little bit flighty. She doesn't often find anyone that will keep her interested long enough, so sometimes she'll go from partner to partner, never obtaining more than a fling or going into the "friends with benefits" territory. Being on-the-go as she is, it's hard for her to maintain intimate relationships because of her job as a hunter. But when she finds someone who can hold her attention, she is much more loyal than usual. When not in relationships, she often finds herself attracted to people if they fulfill two requirements: they are confident and respectful.

"My greatest fear is not living my life to the fullest that I can."
the past & present
Vairuit Mao, simply referred to as ''Mao'' throughout the Allied Nations of Eorzea, hails from the city-state of Radz-at-Han on the island of Thavnair. Her family was once a caravan of traveling merchants, crossing all plains of Eorzea, before finally settling in Radz-at-Han shortly after she was born. After getting their feet wet in the local business world, the Mao family owns a very successful tavern in Thavnair - now deemed a local information hub for any and all travelers who come through. It didn't take long for her family to become one of the most influential groups within Thavnair.Vairuit, at 28, is the sixth-born child of her parents. She has six siblings and she is the second youngest in the Mao line: three older brothers, two older sisters, and a younger brother. While she loves her family dearly, she is closest with the youngest of her older brothers, Ranulf, who is only three years older than her.While the entire Mao family are capable fighters, Vairuit's skills stem from having so many rough-and-tumble bouts with her older siblings. Her parents also passed their own martial arts studies on to their children (Ninja and Monk disciplines respectively) so they could defend themselves if ever the need arose. She has always had a penchant for adventuring and travel, not wanting to really engage in anything to do with the family business. So much, in fact, that it led her to travel across the seas, vast plains, and the underbelly of the Underground, until she found herself in Gridania where she took up the spear and began walking the path of a Lancer.After her basic training was completed, she set off to Ishgard where she became a ward under House Fortemps and perfected the Dragoon Arts. However, because her views did not align with those residing in Ishgard at the time, Mao never officially joined The Order. Shortly after her training was completed, she was invited to join the Centurio Clan and it didn't take her long to climb up in the ranks, earning her the title of Elite Huntress. While there were those who were envious of her abilities, others praised and encouraged her to keep striving forward - even suggesting that she take up other disciplines so she could become a more adaptable and well-rounded hunter. One clan member, Arshes Naye, was adamant that Mao peruse other skills as monsters had all sorts of abilities and she would need to adjust accordingly. As her main informant in the Centurio Clan, Mao wasn't one to question the woman's suggestion. It didn't take her long to pick up the art of healing at the Atheneum Arcaneum where she learned Sharlayan Astrology and the art of Divination.It was during her stay in Ishgard that she began to truly open up and make friends and increased the depth of her social circles. While typically a lone traveler, she couldn't help meet and befriend two people of whom would become her "party" during her many adventures when she wasn't out doing routine quests and hunts for the Clan: Mizuki Shimoto, a former student of the Atheneum Arcaneum, and Dyrnar Einarsson, a Dark Knight master.The three of them traveled many malms, sharing stories and experiences with one another. As they crossed into Othard territory, it was here they would meet a Warrior by the name of Kestrian Varun. Accompanying him was the ever resilient and patient Cheza Blackwall, a Bard who was also studying healing arts whenever she could find the time. The five of them became fast friends, traveling across Othard in search of adventure and treasure. It was on one such treasure hunt that they encountered a Monk who may or may not have gotten into a little trouble at a local establishment for drinking and hitting on the women far too much. While a lush and licentious, Kodiak Sangras's heart was mostly in the right place. They agreed to travel together and soon pushed onward, making their way back across all of the nation states of Eorzea. Needless to say, when Mao or Dyrnar were called away for duties (Centurio Clan and Temple Knights respectively), Kestrian and Kodiak filled the holes they left behind.Over the years, Mao has encountered many people and forged many relationships - acquaintances and friends alike. Her travels have led her to discover the tyranny of the Garlean Empire and now she moves from place to place, helping everyone that she encounters and is able to do so.

"Every story is worth listening to. Especially when it isn't yours."
rp hooks
- Adventurous and daring, she is usually milling about in Ishgard or The Far East since these are the places she's usually called to often for work.- Her home is Thavnair and she lived there most of her life until she was 18. There's a good chance you ran into a young Miqo'te Seeker with longer hair and a very louder personality than she is today. Her family owns a tavern and inn (The Silk Dragon) and her father was the head of a prominent merchant caravan. Her older sister, Misandi, is the current head of the Silk Dragon Trading Company. The possibilities here are endless.- She loves casual conversation and enjoys listening to people tell stories about their adventures, their travels, or the people they met along the way.- Friendships are everlasting to Mao and she will come to a friend's aid immediately and without question.- Hunter by employment and a freelancer for hire. She also dabbles in searching for buried treasures. She rarely says no to a job.- She has a personal investment in anything regarding the Allagan Empire - specifically regarding their research and records in terms of experimentation.- Mao has a bit of a sweet tooth, but she is a sucker for booze and it takes a lot to get her drunk.- Most people will catch her napping under the sun or the stars in between jobs or during her adventures. So if you travel, you may see a sleepy kitty in your midst.- She loves a good challenge and even a good sparring session. Feel free to hit her up if you want a good bout in an arena sometime. She might surprise you. ^^- Shortly after she left her homeland of Thavnair, Mao wound up getting swindled and accrued a sizeable debt that she had to pay off by becoming an assassin-for-hire for a certain merchant (Vanta Starr). She did this for a year before finally paying off her debt. Vanta still keeps in contact with her and through her, others can gain information from him, but at a price that she has to pay.- She is currently on the path to becoming a Viper and has recently obtained the opportunity and privilege to become a Dawn Hunter through the Tural hunt clan.- I am also open to the idea of any of her siblings being made (except for Ranulf because he is one of my alts that I've already made myself). Feel free to message me if interested in creating any of her siblings. I'm pretty open to backstory things and like to give people creative freedom.

"When all else fails, blow shit up!"
the vessel
Sup, guys! Eden here! Thanks for taking the time to check out my Carrd for my main character on FFXIV. This is an RP version of her and is non-canon compliant, meaning she doesn't represent my WoL in game. Her dossier on this page is strictly RP and world-building inside the realm of FFXIV and how events in game effect her on a direct and indirect scale. However, despite her being non-canon compliant, I consider this version of Mao to be her true canon self.I have been RPing for many years but have only dabbled in MMO RP. In that aspect, I'm new. In every other sense, I am a veteran and mostly indulge in play-by-post RP, primarily on forums but I have been utilizing discord server RP as of late. I prefer discord server RP, but I'm not opposed to in game RP. We just have to set up a schedule to do so in advance.My primary server is in Primal on Excalibur. I'm not above making alts on other Data Centers/Worlds/etc.I am caffeinated at all times. Coffee is law. It is not a debate. It is not a negotiation. So is Mt. Dew. When I whip out the Red Bull, it's serious business. If a Monster is involved, you're in for a world of hurt. Be ready because I am all about making your heart break, crumbling your walls, and tearing out the soul that remains when I've finished completely wrecking you from the inside out. Drama is what I live for, but only in the RP world. Drama in my real life is not tolerated. Please leave all of that out.A lover of blood, sex, tears, and laughter, I'm easy going and technical AF. Blunt and unable to sugarcoat anything, please beware of low flying sarcasm. I'm usually at the mercy of my characters and their shenanigans (hence me being but the humble vessel that I am), but I make them suffer for it later. I always do.My happiness comes from writing, creating, and world building. I love plots of all shapes and sizes, so long as I'm able to both give and receive emotional pulls on all fronts. All the love. All the hate. All the despair. All the smoking, hot, mouth watering smut you could possibly dream of (but only on days that end with "Y", m'kay). ERP is great, but not without substance. Porn without plot isn't my forte.Ask me anything and I shall do my best to obtain the answer for you because I am a goddamn wizard, baby.I work Saturdays through Wednesdays and usually get off work around 11pm Mountain Time. If you are ever interested in learning more about my characters, feel free to shoot me a DM on discord (Eden#4675) or send me a tell in game if I'm online!

extras & bonus
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Enero Mao
MERCHANT & MONK MASTERNicknames / Aliases : En | The Golden DragonRace : Miqo'te // Seeker of the Sun
Homeland : Ul'dah
Current Residency : Thavnair [Radz-at-Han]Merchant Guild : The Silk Dragon Trading Company
Tavern / Inn : The Silk DragonProgenitor of the Mao line and one of a long line of successful merchants. He left his tribe, not wishing to follow the culture/customs of traditional Sun Seeker Miqo'te. He also discarded his name, took on the surname "Mao", and has imparted the belief to his children that they should be in charge of their own destinies.Using what contacts/connections he obtained through doing merchant work with his father before leaving, he was able to set up a successful caravan and they traveled all across Eorzea. The road was difficult but he managed to succeed. During said travels, he met his wife, Tahlia.Raising a family while on the road was a difficult task, but he and Tahlia managed to do so and it wasn't until shortly after Vairuit was born that they eventually settled in Thavnair. They now own a successful inn/tavern that doubles as an information hub for passing travelers. Their business, the Silk Dragon Trading Company, is still thriving in the skilled hands of their daughter, Misandi.

Tahlia Mao
INN KEEP & NINJA MASTERNicknames / Aliases : Lia | Kunimitsu | The Devil CatRace : Miqo'te // Half Seeker & Half Keeper
Homeland : Doma
Current Residency : Thavnair [Radz-at-Han]Merchant Guild : The Silk Dragon Trading Company
Tavern / Inn : The Silk DragonMatriarch to the Mao line, she is of Keeper and Seeker lineage with lingering ties to the Underworld. In order to escape conscription into the Garlean Empire's Military, Tahlia's parents raised her to act as if she were blind, deaf and mute. For a time, this tactic worked until it was discovered that her disabilities were falsified.Her parents were executed, but not before securing Tahlia's escape through trusted friends in the Merchant's Guild. Not sure what to do with her, Tahlia was taken to a guild of assassins where she would learn a trade and secure a reputation in the underworld. The name "Kunimitsu" still echoes on, her legacy strong due to the amount of blood she shed while donning that moniker.Years passed before she would meet Enero. Shortly after they were married & began traveling the world together. Not having been exposed to the traditions & norms of Sun Seeker culture (only heard), she also strives to raise her family to be independent thinkers and dreamers.

Marcurii Mao
ALCHEMIST & CHIRURGEONNicknames / Aliases : MarcRace : Miqo'te // Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace : Dalmasca
Current Residency : Thavnair [Radz-at-Han]Alchemy Practice : Combination of Ul'dah & Thavnair principles
Healing Class : ScholarFirstborn of 7, Marcurii Mao was born on a merchant caravan during its stop in Dalmasca 2 years before Garlemald would conquer it. However, he doesn't consider Dalmasca his home. Like many of his siblings before Vairuit was born, all they ever knew was the open road, the short stints they stayed in large city-states, and each other. The caravan was family. The caravan was home.Being the oldest, Marcurii felt he had to take on a lot of responsibility, but knew the merchant life was not for him. He chose the path of alchemy and medicine, helping the poor and rich alike with his skills. He has a soft spot for his siblings and rarely can say "no" to them.Patient and kind, it's hard to believe that he's been on the road his entire life and seen many battlefields. So much death and destruction has been laid at his feet and yet Marcurii rarely lets it show - instead focusing on the needs of his family and those around him.

Ashkii Mao
HUNTER & BEASTMASTERNicknames / Aliases : Ash | KeyRace : Miqo'te // Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace : Corvos
Current Residency : Everywhere and nowhere. "Home" is Thavnair, however.Current Employer : Centurio Clan
Side Job : Assistant Postman to struggling MooglesAshkii Mao was born in Corvos on a merchant caravan trip during Garlean occupation. He is a Beastmaster. Like most of his siblings, he doesn't consider the place of his birth his "home", but the merchant caravan itself. He chose the life of a beastmaster after seeing hunters using other animals to take down their quarry, as well as taming them to be mounts.In contrast to his older brother, Ashkii is a bit of a hot-head and less pragmatic. But he also dotes on his siblings as much as he does. He frequently wrestles with his siblings to keep them in tip-top shape. Or that's his excuse, anyway...Shortly after his family settled in Thavnair, Ashkii made a point to resume his travels less frequently since he finally had a place to return home to. It was through his stories of adventure that spurred Vairuit to leave Thavnair to become a hunter/adventurer.

Misandi Mao
GUILD MASTER & GOLDSMITHNicknames / Aliases : Sandi | The DealerRace : Miqo'te // Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace : Ul'dah
Current Residency : Kugane / Thavnair [Radz-at-Han]Merchant Guild : The Silk Dragon Trading Company
Business Partners : East Aldenard Trading Company
Side Jobs: Works with the Thavnairian Consulate located in KuganeMisandi Mao is the older twin sister to Vitani. Both were born on the road to Ul'dah mere hours before their arrival. She is a goldsmith and the current head of her father's merchant guild, The Silk Dragon Trading Company. Misandi also has a more level-headed temperament than her twin which is why, logically, her father left the business in her capable hands. Her goldsmithing specialty is accessories.They love their family & would go to the ends of the Earth for them. However, they equally enjoy tormenting their siblings, older & younger alike. Since Vairuit is the only other sister they have, she is often on the receiving end more than the others since she's a tomboy. However, Misandi has toned this behavior down a lot compared to her twin.Misandi currently has a shop set up in the markets of Kugane, able to set up a stable foothold in the area. This allows her to move freely between Kugane and Thavnair. While she doesn't despise Hancock, she doesn't like his roundabout approach to doing business - unlike her often dubbed "overwhelming tactics" that often have her winning out in the end, but leaving everyone satisfied. However, they do go out and have a celebratory drink here and there when they've secured a lucrative business deal. While kind and understanding, Misandi is a ruthless businesswoman.

Vitani Mao
BARD & DANCERNicknames / Aliases : Tani | The Azure EntertainerRace : Miqo'te // Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace : Ul'dah
Current Residency : Kugane / Thavnair [Radz-at-Han]Current Employer : Fill-in Dancer and Trainer for Troupe Falsiam
Side Jobs: Travels the world singing songs and dancing. Otherwise, she's helping her family with the Tavern and Inn back in Thavnair when she's in the area.Vitani Mao is the younger twin sister to Misandi. Both were born on the road to Ul'dah mere hours before their arrival. She is a Bard and Dancer, traveling all across the world to perform for any who are willing to listen to her songs and see her dances. Sometimes she is called back to Thavnair to help Troupe Falsiam if they are short-handed, but otherwise, she usually fills the role of "teacher" or "mentor" to any up and coming dancers/performers in the troupe.Vitani is the more playful twin & is the one who comes up with the pranks they would unleash on their unsuspecting siblings & parents. Vitani typically tags along with Misandi wherever she goes, singing songs for people who pass by while her older sister conducts business. They are as thick as thieves and do their best to watch the other's backs. At least when Vitani is around to do so. She has a wayfarer's heart and often follows the wind wherever it may lead her.While the two of them enjoy traveling, Kugane is their most frequent haunt. In the last couple of years, Misandi has actually helped the Thavnairian Consulate from time to time while Vitani visits the Sanjo Hanamachi to sing & dance with her friends working there. They love her company, often showering her with gifts in exchange for stories that she would tell of the world of their Hanamachi.

Ranulf Mao
PALADIN & GUNBREAKERNicknames / Aliases : Ran | Chaos KnightRace : Miqo'te // Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace : Meracydia
Current Residency : Ala Mhigo [Rhalgr's Reach] / Thavnair [Radz-at-Han]Current Employer : Sellsword / FreelancerRanulf Mao, fifth born of the siblings and brought into the world a few years before Vairuit in the city-state of Gridania during a pit-stop for resupplies. Out of all of his siblings, Ran is closest with Vairuit and often sympathizes with her need for grand adventure. However, he has always been content with his life in Thavnair, only truly leaving after Vairuit set off on her own adventures.When he finally left, it was to train his body & mind on the path of the Paladin & Gunbreaker. A few years into his journey, he heard from his family that they'd lost contact with his sister (during the end of Stormblood), so he set off searching for her.During his travels, he learned of all the things his sister accomplished and decided to trust that Vairuit would be fine. Remaining behind in Eorzea, he currently travels between the three city-states, offering his services as a sell sword. He often moves through Rhalgr's Reach to help any of the Resistance with whatever they might need, be it manual labor or his blade.

Ororon Mao
STUDENT & CHILD PRODIGYNicknames / Aliases : KidRace : Miqo'te // Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace : Thavnair [Radz-at-Han]
Current Residency : Old Sharlayan / Thavnair [Radz-at-Han]Occupation : Student of the Studium in Old Sharlayan
Major : Aetherial Studies
Minor : Research & Development in Aetherical DevicesYoungest of the Mao family, Ororon was born and grew up in Thavnair. He showed great intellectual prowess at a young age and it was always believed that he would tread a path different than the rest of his siblings. As a result, he is slightly self-conscious of his own intellect and often tries to dumb down his mind so he doesn't seem strange to his family.Having been accepted to the Studium in Sharlayan, he was reticent about voicing his desires to attend. However, thanks to a helpful push from his sister, Vairuit, he was able to stand firm in his resolve and expressed his want to attend the Studium. Who were his parents to deny him such a simple thing as that?While he is still trying to figure out his path in life and what he wishes to do, Ororon soaks up knowledge like a sponge at the Studium. His willingness to grow and learn a key variable to how he will most likely become in the future.

Syrus Skuldabréf
AETHER WEAVERNicknames / Aliases : Sy | The WeaverRace : Viera // Rava
Birthplace : Golmore Jungle
Connection : Partner, played by Mia
Links : The Weaver

Asuya Syndori
AETHEROLOGIST & SCHOLARNicknames / Aliases : Suya | The ScholarRace : Miqo'te // Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace : Gridania
Connection : Friend | Ex-Lover, played by Asuya
Links : The Seeker

Krylancelo Hartia
SEEKER & WANDERERNicknames / Aliases : Lancel | MagpieRace : Miqo'te // Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace : Thavnair
Connection : Childhood & Best Friend, played by Winter
Links : The Seeker

Mýrún Loforð
SORCERER & TEMPLE GUARDIANNicknames / Aliases : Rune | Flakkari ["Wanderer"]Race : Viera // Rava
Birthplace : Golmore Jungle | Grimrost Village
Connection : Syrus Skuldabréf's brother, played by Myself
Links : The Guardian

Higanbana Sato
THE SHADOW BROKERNicknames / Aliases : Spider LilyRace : Viera // Veena
Birthplace : Skatay Range | Reynir Village
Connection : Sponsor & Informant, played by Myself
Links : The Shadow Broker

Kodiak Sangras
THE DRUNKEN MASTERNicknames / Aliases : Kodi | Old ManRace : Viera // Rava
Birthplace : Golmore Jungle | Barosvik Village
Connection : Friend | LP Substitute, played by Myself
Links : The Drunken Master

PET & COMPANIONNicknames / Aliases : Row | SovereignSpecies : HawkRowan is Mao's pet and steadfast companion. Gifted to her by Dyrnar when he was a mere fledgling, he has remained at her side for the last five years. He serves as her eyes when scouting quarry for her hunts - silent and observant. Because he is infused with aether pulled from Mao, he shares her life force and can sense her emotions. While placid with strangers, he will show his approval of those Mao deems as friends and will not hesitate to swoop and dive bomb any that she deems as a threat or irritation to her. While he mostly stays out of her way unless called, he is never too far from her side.

PET & COMPANIONNicknames / Aliases : Tor | Little OneSpecies : GriffinEven though Torrent is a full grown griffin, Mao still considers him her "Little One". Given to her by her older brother, Ashkii, after he returned home from one of his many Beastmaster adventures, he has remained with her for the last ten years since he was a mere hatchling. He is fierce in his loyalty and gentle in his grace. Torrent sees Mao as not only his true master, but his mother and will not tolerate anyone getting too close to her without her express permission. It is one of the many reasons why she often sends Torrent away after dismounting and arriving at her destination.

Xiaoran Rei
CHILDHOOD FRIENDNicknames / Aliases : Xiaoran | Blue BirdRace : Au'ra // Xaela
Birthplace : [REDACTED]
Current Residency : La NosceaCurrent Employer : Head of The Black LionsXiaoran Rei was one of Mao and Krylancelo's childhood friends. He grew up most of his life in Thavnair and became friends with Mao first before forming "The Trio" as they were so affectionately called in their youth. In fact, he was the one who suggested that they come up with nicknames for one another, hence their "bird monikers" they refer to each other.However, Xiaoran discovered through keepsakes left to him by his adopted parents that he was not, in fact, their biological offspring. The truth was he was a genetically engineered bio-construct created by the remnants of the Allagans. Having slept in a test chamber for years in stasis, his adopted parents stumbled across him when they were out with a research convoy in Azys Lla. They took him home, realizing he was one of the only living specimens still being held in a functional tube.Xiaoran started coming into his strange ability to manipulate aether as a child, but thought nothing of it. Simply shrugging it off as "puberty" and continuing on. To his horror, this was not the case and he was created to be a "puppet master" of sorts - able to control and manipulate the aether of others; essentially creating living dolls as he ripped control from them. Viewing himself as a monster, he left Thavnair and refused to tell Mao or Krylancelo where he was going or what he was up to.Shortly after he left, it didn't take him long to find his way into the criminal underbelly of society where he mixed himself in with a group who called themselves "The Black Lions". Just a few years ago, he took up the mantle of their leader, but only so he could coerce his friends to eventually be the ones to end his life.

Arshes Naye
MENTOR & ASSIGNMENT GIVERNicknames / Aliases : ArshayRace : Elezen // Wildwood
Birthplace : Dravania
Current Residency : IshgardCurrent Employer : Centurio Hunt GuildBorn and raised within a humble family in Dravania, Arshes longed to find a way to bridge the gap between the high and mighty Ishgardians and the traditional Dravanians. There were no inherently evil people on either side, just misunderstandings that bled through the generations. Arshes wanted to be the ones who could help both sides see the folly of their conflict.Traveling the lands of Coerthas and setting herself up at Falcons Rest for a time, she helped any and all who passed through. Being so close to Ishgard, she often got news and there was a budding feeling of hope welling inside of her heart. It didn't take her long to find her feet carrying her into Ishgard where she spent most of her time in The Brume, bringing some semblance of relief to the street urchins and destitute who called it home.After a time, Arshes connected herself to the Centurio Hunt Clan where she was able to gain the position as an information gatherer and who was responsible for sending out bills for hunters. She'd seen many hunters come and go; some who had the stomach for it and others not so much.It was through the Clan that Arshes was able to meet and befriend Vairuit Mao. She was surprised to see the young huntress giving up the path of a Dragoon in favor or becoming a full-time member of Clan Centurio. When asked what her reasons were for denying to become part of The Order, the Miqo'te merely smiled and said "I can't condone their attitudes. We are all equal in the eyes of the gods and we all bleed red at the end of the day."Arshes never forgot those words...

Eneshi Myoujin
ALCHEMIST & FRIENDNicknames / Aliases : Shi-Shi | Eccentric GeniusRace : Viera // Veena
Birthplace : Skatay Range | Beigaldi Village
Current Residency : Old SharlayaCurrent Employer : The Studium in SharlayaCOMING SOON!

Sasaki Saki
ORORON'S TEACHER & FRIENDNicknames / Aliases : Sasa | Dragon LadyRace : Lalafell // Dunesfolk
Birthplace : Little Ala Mhigo
Current Residency : Old SharlayaCurrent Employer : The Studium in SharlayaCOMING SOON!

BONDED VOIDSENTNicknames / Aliases : The Shadow of Furious VengeanceRace : Voidsent
Birthplace : The Thirteenth
Current Residency : Wherever Mao goes...Current Employer : Vairuit MaoErinys is a voidsent who bound herself to Vairuit Mao a little over a year ago. During the chaotic time in her life, Mao felt her resolve slipping - the trigger to her summoning Erinys in the midst of her rage, grief, and despair. After a series of unfortunate events, Mao was pulled into The Void after an explosion of aether (her friend's and her own) erupted and yanked her inside.The Voidsent wasted no time seeking her out, her aether - her soul practically screaming out to the entity. A trail of memories seemed to permeate from the Miqo'te, creating a path that led Erinys straight to her. Taking advantage of her emotional unrest, the Voidsent was able to convince Mao to relinquish herself over to it.Needless to say, the Voidsent was ultimately unsuccessful in their endeavors. With the help of her partner, Mao was able to fully conquer and bind Erinys to her person. Now they simply wait obediently, itching for any and every opportunity to reclaim Mao's aether and soul for themselves.

Nelly Bell
PILOT & FRIENDNicknames / Aliases : The Loot GremlinRace : Au'ra // Xaela
Birthplace : Azim Steppe
Current Residency : GridaniaCurrent Employer : Eorzean Airship TeamCOMING SOON!

Dyrnar Einarsson
THE DARK KNIGHTNicknames / Aliases : DyrRace : Elezen // Duskwight
Birthplace : Ishgard
Current Residency : IshgardCurrent Employer : The Order of the Temple KnightsBorn and raised in Ishgard, he originally hailed from The Brum where conditions are harsh and unforgiving for those not of nobility. He doesn't know who his parents are and grew up with the other orphans in the slums. Determined to make a better life for himself, it didn't take him long to train his body and mind to embrace the negative energies swirling in his heart and turn it into something positive.He met Mao during the latter portion of her training under the Dragoon Order after he, himself, was inducted into the Temple Knights. He found the young Miqo'te strange at first, but found that her charming demeanor, candid conversations, and fierce loyalty were things he, himself, wanted to have in his life. Like her, he despised the social hierarchy within Ishgard and longed for change. However, Dyrnar was jaded and didn't believe change was possible for a nation as sanctimonious as Ishgard.Nevertheless, he still held hope in his heart. Mao took up the mantle of Hunter with the Centurio Guild at Arshes Naye's insistence, and so Dyrnar readily accompanied her when he wasn't tied up with Temple Knight business. Regardless of his distaste, he has a sworn duty to uphold. Though time will tell if Dyrnar will, indeed, become an Oathbreaker of his own making.

Mizuki Shimoto
THE ASTROLOGIANNicknames / Aliases : Miz | EbiRace : Au'ra // Xaela
Birthplace : Yanxia
Current Residency : KuganeCurrent Employer : Sekiseigumi Physical TherapistMizuki was born in Yanxia - raised in a somewhat harsh household where her family decided her future for her at an early age. Because of their lack of financial responsibility, as the firstborn in her family she was obligated to help pay off the debt that was accrued. Thus Mizuki was swiftly sold off to the Hanamachi in Kugane where she spent several years in the company of patrons and the strict rules of the Flower House.The mindlessness of it all became almost second nature. Until an Elezen woman appeared and broke Mizuki's chains for her before she ever even asked. Her savior, Arshes Naye, offered to take her to Ishgard to study healing magic if she wished since it was clear Mizuki had an affinity with aether. Having no real reason to deny her requests, Mizuki followed Arshes back to Ishgard where she became a student at the Atheneum Arcaneum.After a few years, it was at the Arcaneum that she would meet a young Miqo'te woman who called herself "Mao". She was almost polar opposite to Mao, but they said opposites attract for a reason and they became friends very quickly. It wasn't long before she soon found herself in Mao's company regularly - joining her party as their main healer.

Kestrian Varun
THE WARRIORNicknames / Aliases : KestriRace : Hyur // Midlander
Birthplace : Dalmasca
Current Residency : Ul'dahCurrent Employer : Freelance MercenaryHail and hearty, Kestrian Varun was born in Dalmasca. After a few short years of his childhood were cemented, his family were forced to flee before the lands were conquered. His parents peddled goods here and there, but it was his older brother who truly brought in the gil in the form of being a sellsword. While risky and unsafe, it was undoubtedly the best way to help their family financially.Kestrian soon followed suit. His brother and he traveled across Eorzea, offering their skills to be purchased in various mercenary circles. Despite being a sellsword, Kestrian learned to appreciate the dark parts of the underworld, but cherished the pin pricks of light that existed. He always promised himself that he wouldn't forget who he was or where he came from.Hilariously, he met Mao through a mutual friend: Kodiak Sangras. The drunken monk found himself in a spot of trouble and, as luck would have it, Mao was able to bail him out. With the promise to pay her back someday, it was here that Kestrian was roped into the fold - the Vieran all but begging for him to help him repay the debt. While he had no real obligation to do so, Kestrian found Mao and her company interesting to be around.Now, between jobs, he happily accepts the role of "fill in" - especially if it's a favor that Mao is asking of him. Partly to help Kodiak repay his debt and partly because he found the Miqo'te too terribly entertaining to be around.

Cheza Blackwall
THE BARD & WHITE MAGENicknames / Aliases : ChayRace : Hyur // Highlander
Birthplace : Dravania
Current Residency : GridaniaCurrent Employer : Minstrel & Traveling ApothecaryCOMING SOON!

❝ We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are. ❞
✾ Though Mao is slim, she has a distinctly athletic build and her strength is showcased with define muscle toning in her biceps, abs and back. She doesn't give off the appearance of being weak or helpless - the stark opposite of her mother who appears soft and nurturing. ✾ She has traversed through Eorzea many times, but to Mao, Thavnair will always be home. She has, however, visited the lands where her parents were born and raised - Ul'dah and Doma respectively. ✾ Mao has a thin scar across her nose she got when she was very young. While accompanying her father during one of his trading expeditions, the merchant caravan was attacked by bandits. One of them tried to hold her hostage and Mao bit him in retaliation. While trying to get her to release him, his dagger - which was infused with aether - cut her nose. No healer was able to remove the scar. ✾ Iconic color scheme is Dalamud Red and Jet Black. However, Mao has been known to smatter shades of green and blue in the mix.
✾ When young Miqo'te have come of age, completed their training, and are allowed to travel freely through the world, they are given facial clan markings. Mao's parents raised her and her siblings away from most Miqo'te traditions and strayed from the customary naming conventions. However, her father, a formal Tribal Miqo'te, maintained this one tradition with his children but only of their own choosing. ✾ Priestess Vertu once told Mao that she would end up having her heart broken by three men in her life. That she would allow this heartbreak and that, as a result, she would end up losing a part of herself. Mao scoffed at this fortune telling and has been laughing at it since she was a young girl. This said fortune has finally come to pass... ✾ Mao has no enmity against any particular species or race. Everyone is equal in the eyes of the law and, as such, equal in her eyes as well. ✾ She is not so much a sore loser as she is a loud winner. You will know when you have lost, trust on that. ✾ Her favorite flower is the manjusaka, otherwise known as the "spider lily". While most refer to it as a flower representing melancholy, the legend of the spider lily is a tale that has always resonated with her. She, too, wishes to achieve a love that will transcend time itself. ✾ Despite having been raised in Thavnair, she is a follower of Azeyma. However, she doesn't forget her roots, making a point to pray at the temple when she returns to Thavnair, asking for guidance when she is feeling exceptionally lost.

✾ While she is coming to terms with it, Mao currently has a serious alcohol problem. Using it as a means to cope with her own guilt and to sleep, she is starting to ween herself away from it. She will have a glass of wine here and there, but she doesn't drink to sleep anymore. ✾ Not everything was rainbows and sunshine for Mao when she left Thavnair. Insistent on striking out on her own, she only took the clothes on her back, the small coin purse at her hip, and the daggers her mother bequeathed to her. It didn't take long for her to get taken advantage of - earning herself a sizeable debt in place of helping someone. She soon had to find other means to pay off the balance - her martial skills swiftly being put to use. ✾ Mao's moniker in the Underworld was "The Crimson Knife" - a title she earned from how many lives she'd taken as an assassin to pay off her debt. ✾ During her stint in Ishgard, Mao was a ward under House Fortemps and became close with Lord Haurchefant Greystone. Not liking how people in Ishgard acted and their views on societal hierarchy, she left to help small villages suffering from the Dragonsong War. She heard about Haurchefant's death while in Dravania and wears Fortemps crest earrings to honor his memory. ✾ While Mao is proficient with aether, she is not a heavy magic user. In fact, the extent of her magic stems from the training she received to become an Astrologian and that was for the basic necessity of healing. She is a fighter, first and foremost.
✾ Slow to anger, it takes a lot to get Mao mad. Very specific buttons have to be pushed. That button being harm coming to anyone that she cares about. Mao will not hesitate to unleash her wrath on the offender who dared to do so. ✾ Masala chai and Jasmine tea are her preferred teas of choice. While a fan of juice, she will always opt for water over something sweet. ✾ Thavnairian culture has cemented her love of spices; mild and "kick in the gut" levels of heat. However, having traveled as much as she has, Mao has learned to appreciate the more milder tasting foods and drinks. She isn't quite at the level of being deemed a "Foodie", but she can certainly appreciate a good meal. ✾ Mao is a side sleeper because of the discomfort that would follow in having a tail. When she's exceptionally tired (and made it to any kind of surface worth laying down on), she will sleep on her stomach - face first in a pillow. ✾ Despite her more active pursuits into martial arts, her mother encouraged her to learn how to dance. As such, Mao is an accomplished dancer and sometimes is called upon as a "fill in" if anyone in the troupe back home is unable to perform. ✾ She took her first life at the age of Ten and Eight Summers. She will never forget the way the light faded from their eyes - her mother's dagger plunged into their ribs as she listened to them take their final breaths...

✾ A person who knows their strengths and weaknesses is important to Mao. There's no shame in knowing that you fall short somewhere and someone who isn't afraid to admit that to not only Mao, but themselves, is pretty amazing in her opinion. ✾ Spontaneous actions and random adventures always make for the best stories. Mao is all about just going off on a random road trip for the hell of it. But to go with this, she doesn't mind just enjoying the moment for what it is. You've only got one life so it's better to make the most of it. ✾ Mao recently got a tongue piercing about a month before traveling to Tural. She has only shared this information with one person and, for all intents and purposes, got the piercing done with them in mind. ✾ She is the only person in her family with heterochromia. While some have claimed this to be seen as auspicious, Mao was extremely self-conscious about it ever since she was a child. It has only been within the last few years that she's come to terms with her mismatched eyes. ✾ Though not claustrophobic, she doesn't appreciate tiny, enclosed spaces. She can get onto a lift if need be, but prefers being outside. Mao feels smothered if she's stuck inside for too long, even in a big house. ✾ An avid storyteller, she enjoys sharing tales of her adventures or even regaling people with myths/legends/folklore she's heard over the years. They are especially popular with the young and great ice breakers at awkward get togethers.